
Lo más buscado en Visualmente::El Norbi en Domestika::Book::Stan Lee, De la A a la Z::Book::Infocomics en italiano::News::El viejo disfraz del nuevo Wolverine::News::El nuevo logo de Superman::News::Entrevista exclusiva con el padre de Deadpool::::Las ilustraciones de El Norbi::Bender Rodríguez::Keith Haring::Astroboy::Batman Black and White::Patone y Perrone::Betty Boop::Mickey Mouse::Spider-Jam::Nuestros Queridos Blogs Asociados::El Norbi::QR Love::Visualmente::Infocomics::BarVisual::Tipográficamente::Universitariamente::Visualmente-Edu::Vía Libre::Bar Uch::Que Bien Que La Estamos Pasando::Los que escribieron en Visualmente, alguna vez::Carlos Gámez Kindelán::Rodrigo Sánchez::Jordi Catalá::Mario Tascón::Jaume Serra::Samuel Granados::Dolores Pujol::Fabio Marra::Luiz Adolfo::Leo Tavejnhansky::Massimo Gentile::Pablo Corral::Angel Casaña::Pedro Pérez Cuadrado::Tomás Ondarra::Kohji Shiiki::Elio Leturia::Rodrigo Fino::Ramiro Alonso::Sergio Fernández::Algunos de los archivos de Visualmente (2005-2013)::Coca-Cola::QR Code Portrait::Vía Libre::Ave María Latina::Odios Tipográficos::Infofreak::Helvética Love::Especial Cooper Black::Creatividad::Caricaturas::Cuartas Jornadas::Cumbre Mundial::Diarios online::Diálogos Visuales::100 Mejores Frases del 2005 (1)::100 Mejores Frases del 2005 (2)::100 Mejores Frases del 2005 (3)::100 Mejores Frases del 2005 (4)::
Nuestras tipografías::Mobype::QR Gothic::Stypenova::Sponge Type::Astroboy Type::Hotel Gonzo::ElectroType::Totoro::Meteoro::Mazinger::Pink Panther Type::


Exclusivo: Lucie Lacava nos habla sobre tipografías

cumbreCHICA (Lucie Lacava, consultora canadiense, Lacava Design)
Qué tipografías...: 1) Usas frecuentemente? (Por qué?)
None really. I prefer to use a new font for every project. If I ever use a font more than once, it would have to be in a completely new context. For example, if I originally used it for titling, I might use it again for navigation. But have a difficult time using the same fonts again on other projects because in my mind they are so imbibed with the essence and personality of the original project, I have to let some time go by before I use them again.

2) Prefieres? (Por qué?)
If I had to spend the rest of my life on a deserted island I would take with me Futura and Bodoni. I will never grow tired of the Didones and Geometrics, because of their clean, simple, and elegant lines.
Earlier in my career I liked using mostly the classics and their revivals. Today I have an insatiable thirst for new releases. I especially like to have new fonts custom designed for my projects, and I love these fonts because they reflect exactly my vision for the project. It's like being fitted in haute couture by Karl Lagerfeld.

3) Odias? (Por qué?)
I like to keep an open mind, because my taste keeps on evolving. But I hate fonts that become too popular, with the exceptions of a few more obiquitous, generic older fonts like Franklin or Helvetica, these are like tofu you can turn them into anything you like. I generally feel antipathy towards the Humanists, both serif and sans, especially when applied in large quantities, as in a publication. I also dislike most scripts. However, any font used in the right context and in small doses can look gorgeous. Take for instance any letter from the ugliest font ever and blow it up to 1000 points, then imagine it used as a background for wallpaper, a poster, or a t-shirt in your favorite colours, and it might start to grow on you.


works::en vía libre

works::en metrópoli



works::helvetica gothic

news::superman 2025




type::qr gothic

type::bob esponja


type::big time




type::batman japan




Merry QRistmas

El Bender Baruch

kid works:: batman

kid works::superman

kid works::bender

kid works::wolverine

kid works::deadpool

kid works::iron man

kid works::spider jam

kid works::captain america

Archivo VisualMente

Mi vieja era de Boca

Mi vieja era de Boca
Especial Boca Juniors