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Lo mejor 2011: Exclusivo, te presentamos a The Burgermat Show

Imagen 75
Imagen 1
Él se autodefine como un detective de hamburguesas que trata de encontrar el sandwich perfecto. Por eso, Burgerac recorre, junto con su equipo especializado, los establecimientos gastronómicos de Londres y Nueva York, principalmente. Los resultados de semejante búsqueda son publicados casi diariamente en su blog. Antes de encontrar a la hamburguesa perfecta, te presentamos, en un reportaje exclusivo de Visualmente que le hicimos en junio pasado, a este personaje que saltó a la fama web del copy-paste, sin aderezos.
1. What is the event on June 27 in London?
The Burgermat Show is a one-night-only pop-up burger restaurant AND an art exhibition at which the specially created artworks (burgermats) will be displayed as paper placemats. It is the fruit of a collaboration between myself and fellow burger enthusiast and food writer Daniel Young of youngandfoodish.com - who runs regular BurgerMonday pop-up burger events. Daniel is the brains behind the food, and for The Burgermat Show, I have been responsible for the art side of things.
Imagen 4
(Mantel impreso en papel de Linzie Hunter)
Imagen 2
(Mantel impreso en papel de Andy Rementer)
2. How to chose the artists who made the paper placemats?
I approached artists whose work I love - but deliberately selected image makers with varied styles and approaches to ensure 24 very different burgermat designs. I'm absolutely thrilled with the resulting collection of images.

3. Where does your obsession with hamburgers come from?
I don't know. I just love a good burger and thought that this year I would try to eat more, to find the best London has to offer - and blog about my findings. Along the way, I've met some really interesting people, some great chefs, and tried some super burgers. It's a lot of fun being Burgerac!
Imagen 3
(Mantel impreso en papel de James Joyce)
4. What is your favorite burgermat? Why?
I don't have a favourite burgermat - there are too many great ideas to single just one out. I'm looking forward to revealing all 24 artworks to the attendees of the event on the 27th. The rest of the world will get to see all 24 artworks on the 28th by visiting print-process.com where all the burgermats will be available to buy, not as placemats, but as A2 Giclée art prints.
Imagen 5
(Mantel impreso en papel de Nishant Choksi)
5. What is the idea of figurative mustard to complete the works on display?
Ha! The idea is that we're creating functional artwork for the exhibition. The burgermat will of course commemorate the evening for as long as a diner keeps it - but a splat or drip of food will add something more to the artwork: a visible reminder of the evening's delicious food! Of course it's up to the individual diner as to whether they want to drip food on their burgermat!
Imagen 6
(Mantel impreso en papel de Rob Flowers)
6. Where in the world are eating the best burger? And the worst?
To answer these two questions I would have to have tasted every burger on the planet! Ask me again some time next year :)


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Archivo VisualMente

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