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Último momento: Michael Blaine Myers Jr. vuelve con los superhéroes

Y ya que hablamos de minimalismo, hace un mes, el artista norteamericano Michael Blaine Myers Jr. publicó un afiche con los más importantes superhéroes de la factoría DC Comic, con un poder de síntesis que sorprende.
Él ya había impactado en la blogosfera hace casi un año, con su versión minimalista de Superman, Batman, Linterna Verde, Flash, el Hombre Halcón y Acuamán, entre otros. Pero su estilo tan personal logró escalar a las vidrieras virtuales más selectas con sus personajes, pero sin su palabra.
Mientras que en los blogs hablaban de un poderoso poster de superhéroes de DC Comics, con una pátina bien vintage, nadie sabía cómo y por qué había sido dibujada una Mujer Maravilla sin boca. Es más, en algunos sitios ni sabían quién era el autor. Nuevamente, Visualmente les ofrece en exclusiva este reportaje a su autor, el ilustrador norteamericano Michael Blaine Myers Jr.
1) How did you draw these posters with superheroes?
I did some research online for each of the superheroes, trying to extract the most iconic visual elements of each character. I then began roughing in the shapes in Illustrator.

2) What techniques do you use?
I built each poster in Illustrator. Because they are fairly simple geometric designs, I felt Illustrator was the best choice. I also wanted them scaleable in case I decided to print them off.
3) How does work those textures that can be found in the series of superheroes?
I found some free high resolution paper textures online, and overlaid those on top of the initial artwork. It results in a nice weathered/distressed look, and helps break up large areas of solid color.

4) What influences you recognize?
I am influenced by a lot of comic book artwork, as well as great illustration and conceptual art.
5) How is your work process when you have to find an idea for drawing, for example, Green Arrow?
I kind of just went for it on these posters. For example, with Green Arrow, I thought the classic design, with the facial hair was so iconic, I wanted that to be the main focus, and I thought it would be easily recognizable as the Green Arrow. Throwing the bullseye shape in behind fits with the characters skill with a bow and arrow.
6) How long does it take you to make one of these drawings?
I don't think I spent more than 2 hours on any one of these designs. They seemed to flow fairly well out of me, and I was just having fun creating something I really enjoy.


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Archivo VisualMente

Mi vieja era de Boca

Mi vieja era de Boca
Especial Boca Juniors