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Exclusivo: Hablamos con el inglés Stephen Wildish

Las redes sociales lo han convertido en la nueva estrella del firmamento web. Es que el diseñador inglés Stephen Wildish tuvo la idea de hacer unos alfabetos donde cada letra coincidía con el nombre de una película de cine moderno. Así uno puede encontrar los alfabetos armados con filmes de los 60, 70, 80 y 90. Este poder de síntesis de convertir una película en una única imagen nos llevó a entrevistarlo, en forma exclusiva para Visualmente, para sumarlo a nuestra sección Minimalismo. Él dedica sus fines de semana para trabajar en este tipo de ideas, los llamados “Proyectos de viernes”.
1. How he came to an alphabet based on movies?
It was after I had made an alphabet based on christmas items, I had a yearning to draw Marty Mcfly from Back to the Future....
2. I worked to achieve such a synthesis? Which illustration was the most complicated?
Honey I shrunk the kids, I'm still not happy with it, looks dreadful!
3. What was the criterion for selecting the characters?
I choose the ones that come across in the simplest way possible. In as fewer shapes and colours as I can

4. How long it took to do this work?
I normally work over the week for about 3-4 hours on each one, that includes finding all my source images!
5. What is the picture that you like best? Why?
Weird Science, I love that film and it's a very good shot to work with ;)
6. Why did you choose the decades of the 60, 80 and 90?
I started with the 80s, the 90s followed on naturally, I chose the 60's though because of the amount of brilliant films there was to chose fro
7. You will make an alphabet of 70 movies?
I have made the 70s alphabet, have a look on here: http://www.stephenwildish.co.uk/friday.html and I am working on the 00s this evening!


works::en vía libre

works::en metrópoli



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Archivo VisualMente

Mi vieja era de Boca

Mi vieja era de Boca
Especial Boca Juniors