
(t) "I like to look of Gotham"

(Kristin Lenz, directora de arte del diario norteamericano Hartford Courant)
Qué tipografía: 1) Usas frecuentemente? (Por qué?)
1) I frequently use interstate and minion, because those are the two most prominent fonts we use at the courant. news fronts take a combination of weights of minion for headlines, nimrod for body copy and poynter for refer text, bylines, cutlines, etc. interstate is introduced in our features sections, and is the primary hed font there.
2) Prefieres? (Por qué?)
2) I prefer fonts like helvetica neue, but use it mostly on freelance stuff. we don't use it here at the paper. i like to look of verlag, gotham, some weights of miller.
3) Odias? (Por qué?)
3) I don't think there are any fonts i dislike. there's always a place in the world, somewhere, for a font shaped like circus animals. just not anywhere in my world.